Is it dangerous to wear a mask while I’m exercising?


Wearing a face mask while exercising should not affect your ability to breathe properly. According to a recent study, there appears to be no harm in wearing face masks while undertaking even the most physically extreme activities.

Wearing a face mask while exercising - the idea seems preposterous. It's hard to imagine working out with what may seem to be an obstacle to breathing... However, it is the only accessory that will properly protect you and others from Covid-19, without social distancing. According to a recent study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, wearing a mask while practicing sports should not be an issue!

In context of this study, fourteen healthy men and women were studied while vigorously exercising with a face mask. They were asked to ride indoor bikes at their maximum speed. They performed this test three times, in three different scenarios: without a mask, with a fabric mask and with a surgical mask.


 The researchers set out to analyze several factors: the duration of activity until exhaustion, as well as the blood and muscular oxygen levels. Interestingly, although the mask may at times make you feel as though you are not breathing well, scientists found that it does not in fact hinder oxygenation in any way.


Therefore, in theory, masked exercise should not make a difference. With that being said, the study does not actually specify whether or not participants reached exhaustion faster while wearing a mask. The interesting point doctors set out to emphasize was that as long as exercising with a mask does not endanger one's health, participating in indoor sports or attending your local gym should not be an issue, provided that all athletes wear a mask., as it becomes mandatory.

As for RYST, we use an elastane/nylon blend sportswear fabric sourced from a high-end Italian mill that has been designed with breathability in mind. While we don’t have a filter, our moisture wicking fabric features a very high thread count (tests have proven that a high-thread-count fabric outperformed a moderate-thread-count), is completely opaque when held up to a light or window, and effortlessly passes the candle blowing test! Ryst also happens to fit your face perfectly snugly, with no gaps whatsoever along the edge of the mask. RYST can also be worn as a second layer, over a surgical mask for example, should one feel the need for extra protection.

Ryst Mask